SONE membership
Currently, there are 80 active members of SONE from all over the world (based on email-addresses). We have a total of 11 life members (based on provided information)
Dr. Megha Parajulee, Dr. Raju Pandey, Dr. Govinda Shrestha, Dr. Sandipa Ghimire Gautam, Dr. Ram Shrestha, Dr. Sudip Gaire, Dr. Buddhi Bahadur Achhami, Dr. Sudan Gyawaly, Dr. Jhlendra Rijal, Dr. Babu Panthi and Dr. Subodh Adhikari
If you haven’t renewed your membership, please consider doing so and be a part of an active professional organisation. Please contact our SONE Treasurer, Anjana Duwal, @[email protected] more information.
Membership fee:
$10 USD for overseas students
$20 USD for overseas professionals
$100 USD for life member
$2 USD for students in Nepal
$5 USD for professional in Nepal
Here is the link to the updated list of SONE members. Please sign up through this link.
Dr. Megha Parajulee, Dr. Raju Pandey, Dr. Govinda Shrestha, Dr. Sandipa Ghimire Gautam, Dr. Ram Shrestha, Dr. Sudip Gaire, Dr. Buddhi Bahadur Achhami, Dr. Sudan Gyawaly, Dr. Jhlendra Rijal, Dr. Babu Panthi and Dr. Subodh Adhikari
If you haven’t renewed your membership, please consider doing so and be a part of an active professional organisation. Please contact our SONE Treasurer, Anjana Duwal, @[email protected] more information.
Membership fee:
$10 USD for overseas students
$20 USD for overseas professionals
$100 USD for life member
$2 USD for students in Nepal
$5 USD for professional in Nepal
Here is the link to the updated list of SONE members. Please sign up through this link.